What it’s about
Brindisi Tabernacle (BT) Tutoring helps students from 6 to 19 years old with their homework.
We also help kids and teenagers with learning disabilities, supported by professional teachers.

Check-in & Safety
Safety is out top priority. When you check in/drop off your child, kindly register them at the counter for accountability. We also encourage parents to sit down and watch or participate in the classes.
In addition, every volunteer who works with kids at Brindisi Tabernacle (BT) has a name tag or BT shirt for identification.
Find us here
We look forward to seeing you soon. You can reach us in the following ways:
Via San Francesco 1 – Brindisi, 72100, Italy
Phone: (+39) 392 192 6501
Email: info@brindisitabernacle.org